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28th March 2024, 11:21:41 UTC

Ahmad Khalefa, a Palestinian citizen of Israel and human rights lawyer, was violently arrested by Israeli authorities after peacefully protesting against the war in Gaza. After nearly four months in prison, Ahmad was put under house arrest.

Demand Israeli authorities release Ahmad Khalefa and drop all charges against him!

On 19 October 2023, Ahmad Khalefa was violently arrested in his hometown of Umm al-Fahm, during a peaceful demonstration against the Israeli military offensive in the occupied Gaza Strip. Despite injuries sustained from his arrest, Ahmad Khalefa was denied medical treatment and transported directly to Megiddo Prison.

He was subsequently charged with “incitement to terrorism” and “identification with a terrorist group,” for chanting slogans against the war in Gaza under Article 24 of Israel’s 2016 Counter-Terrorism Law. This law contains numerous repressive and draconian measures designed to stifle dissent and consolidate Israel’s apartheid system against Palestinians. The indictment is based on slogans that Ahmad Khalefa chanted in a peaceful protest and which have been commonly chanted by Palestinians for decades, including in protests after 7 October.

In February, Ahmad was put under house arrest but continues to face extreme restrictions. He is constantly monitored electronically, banned from using the internet, and is spending his house arrest outside his hometown, separated from his children.

Ahmad’s next hearing before the Haifa Magistrate’s Court was scheduled for 8 April 2024. However, his case is still ongoing and is expected to continue for a few more months. There have been no changes to his situation and he is still under house arrest.

The baseless charges against him, part of a broader crackdown against Palestinian citizens of Israel and their freedom to protest against the war on Gaza, violate Israel’s obligations under Articles 19 and 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which it has ratified.

Protect the protest and call on Israel’s State Attorney to drop the baseless charges against Ahmad Khalefa and to immediately and unconditionally release him from house arrest so he can resume his vital work. 

Take urgent action now! 

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