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15th May 2024, 10:15:01 UTC

Iranian authorities are waging a “War on Women” to punish defiance of forced veiling in the wake of the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising of 2022.

Since April 2024, security forces have intensified their enforcement of compulsory veiling in public spaces through subjecting women and girls to constant surveillance, beatings, sexual violence, electric shocks, arbitrary arrest and detention.

Tens of thousands of women have already been targeted. Access to public transport, airports and banking services is also regularly denied.

Millions of women and girls are at risk of similar torture and prosecution for exercising their human rights until Iran’s discriminatory veiling laws are abolished.

Demand Iranian authorities stop punishing women and girls for exercising their rights to bodily autonomy and freedom of expression! 

In September 2023, UN human rights experts expressed concern about the “Bill to Support the Culture of Chastity and Hijab”, stating that “the draft law could be described as a form of gender apartheid,” as these draconian measures amount to severe deprivation  and prosecution of women and girls’ fundamental rights.

In March 2024, we published new research on the intensifying persecution of women and girls based on testimonies obtained from 46 individuals, which provide a glimpse into the frightening daily reality faced by women and girls in Iran.

Call on the Iranian authorities to stop punishing women and girls for exercising their rights to bodily autonomy and freedom of expression;  to immediately repeal all compulsory veiling laws and regulations; and to disband all security forces tasked with enforcing compulsory veiling.

Please also urge the Iranian authorities to unconditionally release anyone in detention for defying compulsory veiling and ensure that any officials involved in violating women’s rights through implementation of compulsory veiling are held to account.

Take Urgent Action now! 

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