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 © Magali Cohen / Hans Lucas / Getty

2nd August 2024, 11:51:52 UTC

In France, the use of surveillance technologies is on the rise. Will facial recognition be the next step? The concern is real.

For the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, France has legalised algorithmic video surveillance. Cameras boosted by artificial intelligence are able to sift through slightest movements to detect “abnormal” situations.

We cannot let this become reality! Sign the petition now! 

With the adoption of this law, France becomes the first member state of the European Union to legalise this type of surveillance on an experimental basis.  Major sporting events, such as the Olympic Games, have often acted as catalysts for the adoption of invasive security measures and is very worrying towards the use of increasingly intrusive surveillance technologies, such as Facial Recognition Technology.

The use of facial recognition to identify people in public spaces represents a serious threat to our rights. A tool that invades our privacy, threatens our fundamental freedoms and accentuates discrimination.

Call on members of French parliament to pass a law banning facial recognition for identification purposes in the public space. It must be a total ban, with no exceptions.

Take action now before facial recognition becomes reality in France.

Take action today!

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