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 ©Amnesty International

9th August 2024, 11:48:28 UTC

On 16 June, police arrested and arbitrarily detained 79 Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members, including interim party leader Jameson Timba. The group had gathered at Jameson Timba’s house to commemorate the International Day of the African Child.

The Zimbabwean authorities must immediately and unconditionally release all 76 CCC members and drop all the politically motivated charges against them!

During their arrest, the police used baton sticks and fired teargas at the group, resulting in injuries; including an extensive injury to one member which required surgery. 79 members were originally arrested and remanded, but two minors have since been released and one person granted bail. On 17 June, police charged the remaining 76 detainees with “gathering with intent to promote public violence and disorderly conduct.” Their bail application was dismissed by the High Court.

Since mid-June, Zimbabwean authorities have conducted a massive crackdown on dissent. More than 160 people have been arrested so far including elected officials, opposition members, union leaders, students and journalists. Security forces have tear-gassed people in a private residence, beaten people so badly they needed hospitalization, forcibly disappeared people for hours and tortured people in custody.

The authorities must immediately and unconditionally release everyone arrested for exercising their rights and end their repressive crackdown on dissent! 

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