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 © RFE/RL (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty)

26th August 2024, 10:17:24 UTC

Natalya Filonova is a 62 year old activist and journalist from Ulan-Ude, Russia’s Eastern Siberia. In 2022, she was arrested at a peaceful protest against the conscription of men to fight in the Russian military in the war in Ukraine. She was subsequently sentenced to 2 years, 10 months in prison for allegedly scratching two police officers.

Demand her release now!

In prison, she faced repeated sanctions, including placement in a punishment cell, and the tightening of her detention conditions. Amnesty International believes that Natalya Filonova’s conviction and sentence are unlawful and based on politically motivated charges just because of her peaceful activism.

Natalya Filonova is being persecuted simply for expressing her opinion and criticizing the Russian authorities. She must be released immediately and unconditionally. Appeal for her release and end of arbitrary persecution!

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