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6th December 2016, 10:04:34 UTC

Francisco Mapanda (also known as Dago Nível Intelecto) has been released.

He was released from Comarca de Caquila prison on 21 November, seven days earlier than when he was due to be released. The reason for his early release is unknown. He was due to be released on 28 November after completing his eight month prison sentence. The reason for his early release is unknown.

In his own words to Amnesty International after his release, Francisco Mapanda said: “I am quite sure that my freedom was influenced by the international pressure from Amnesty International and other organisations. I would like to ask everyone to continue the struggle and the work for the protection and promotion of human rights. Continue the fight.”

Francisco Mapanda was imprisoned after said out loud that “the trial is a farce”, during the trial of 17 youth activists. The judge then opened a separate proceeding against Francisco Mapanda on the same day, convicted him for contempt of court (desacato) and sentenced him to eight months in prison.

Amnesty International considered Francisco Mapanda to be a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned and convicted solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression. No further action is requested of the UA network. Many thanks to those who sent appeals.

Join the Urgent Action Network to respond to other immediate human rights violations.
