Defend the Brave
Today, people across the world are taking enormous risks to stand up for our rights. They could be teachers, students, political opponents, factory workers, journalists, lawyers or so many others. They could be you, your friend or your relatives.
But they’re being harassed, tortured, jailed and even killed – just for daring to speak out for what’s right. Without their courage, our world would be less fair, less just and less equal. We must stand with human rights defenders worldwide – and do all we can to keep them safe from harm.
Help us protect the brave today
Stand with human rights defenders
Join the Brave campaign network to take action in support of Human Rights Defenders, hear updates on the campaign and hear about our events to protect and recognise Human Rights Defenders
people killed in 2017 for defending human rights, up from 281 in 2016 (Source: Front Line Defenders)
at least 3500 Human Rights Defenders have been killed in the past 20 years
countries saw people killed for peacefully standing up for human rights in 2016
Read the global briefing- Human rights defenders under threat: A shrinking space for civil society
Deadly but Preventable Attacks: Killings and Enforced Disappearances of Those who Defend Human Rights

© Raúl García Pereira / Amnistía Internacional

© AFP/Getty Images
Brave is an ordinary person with a heart. Brave is speaking out for others. Brave is standing up against injustice.
Your support has helped Human Rights Defenders do their amazing work
The Brave Challenge
The Brave challenge includes 3 steps to support young people on a journey from exploration and learning, to action.
Be Brave: Defend human rights
You can now register for Amnesty’s third massive open online course (MOOC) on human rights. It will help you gain the knowledge to take action to defend human rights by exploring how defenders mitigate risk, take action to defend human rights, and how you can use your voice to join the fight, too.
Learn about the stories, struggles and successes of people defending human rights across the world.
Register now