12th May 2016 Amnesty International calls on incoming government to prioritise human rights in foreign and domestic policy
9th May 2016 Syria’s ‘Circle of hell’: Barrel bombs in Aleppo bring terror and bloodshed forcing civilians underground
5th May 2016 Amnesty International tentatively welcomes inclusion of Citizens’ Assembly on Eighth Amendment in Programme for Partnership
3rd May 2016 Iraq: More than 1,000 detained in shocking conditions at counter-terrorism centres in Anbar
30th April 2016 Bangladesh: Authorities fail to curb brutal killing spree as LGBTI editor hacked to death
24th April 2016 Greece: Europe must shoulder the burden for 46,000 refugees and migrants trapped in squalor
24th April 2016 Syria: Terrifying eyewitness video of life under siege and barrel bombs must spur humanitarian lifeline
22nd April 2016 High level EU delegation must not close their eyes to catalogue of human rights abuses against refugees
21st April 2016 Uzbekistan: Russian authorities complicit in forcibly returning hundreds of asylum-seekers and migrants to face torture
6th April 2016 Death penalty: Alarming surge in recorded executions sees highest toll in more than 25 years