15th February 2017 Amnesty International describes Ireland’s response to UN on abortion as “disappointing”
14th February 2017 EU: Human rights cost of refugee deal with Turkey too high to be replicated elsewhere
10th February 2017 USA: Suspending conflict minerals law would throw a cloak of secrecy over rogue business practices
8th February 2017 Resumption of Dakota Access Pipeline Construction Violates Rights of Indigenous Peoples
7th February 2017 Syria: Investigation uncovers government’s secret campaign of mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya Prison
2nd February 2017 EU: Plans to ‘close’ sea border would lock refugees and migrants in horrendous conditions in Libya
2nd February 2017 Iran: Hanging of man arrested as a teenager looms amid spike in juvenile executions
1st February 2017 South Africa: Women and girls risk unsafe abortions after being denied legal services