20th July 2017 Cameroon: Amnesty report reveals war crimes in fight against Boko Haram, including horrific use of torture
4th July 2017 South Sudan – atrocities in Equatoria region turn country’s breadbasket into a killing field
3rd July 2017 Decode Oil Spills: Innovative data project enlists thousands of digital activists to track Nigeria spills
29th June 2017 Nigeria: Shell complicit in the arbitrary executions of Ogoni Nine as writ served in Dutch court
21st June 2017 South Sudan – “It was as if my village was swept by a flood” – mass displacement of the Shilluk population from the west bank of the White Nile
21st June 2017 South Sudan: Killings, mass displacement and systematic looting as government forces purge civilians from Upper Nile
19th June 2017 Uganda: “Help has not reached me here” – Donors must step up support for south Sudanese refugees in Uganda
7th June 2017 Syrian refugees trapped in desert on Moroccan border with Algeria in dire need of assistance