2nd January 2019 Saudi Arabia: Censorship of Netflix is latest proof of crackdown on freedom of expression
30th December 2018 Egypt: Prison term for human rights defender who spoke out about sexual harassment an outrageous injustice
19th December 2018 Egypt: Court orders release of woman human rights defender imprisoned for speaking out against sexual harassment
18th December 2018 Death penalty: Global abolition closer than ever as record number of countries vote to end executions
18th December 2018 UN: World leaders must seize historic opportunity to protect the rights of migrants
18th December 2018 Global action plan calls for States at the UN General Assembly to ensure protection of human rights defenders worldwide
14th December 2018 France: Police must end use of excessive force against protesters and high school children
7th December 2018 Italy/EU: Response from Kumi Naidoo to termination of operations of Aquarius rescue ship