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 © Amnesty International

4th September 2024, 06:56:47 UTC

A Courageous Act of Will

Remembering Amnesty International in your Will is a very personal decision but it’s one that carries such hope. It’s an act that expresses what you believe in, and one that will help ensure a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.

We are a movement that produces extraordinary results. Prisoners of conscience are released. Death sentences are commuted. Torturers are brought to justice. Governments are persuaded to change their laws and practices. Our achievements have a huge impact on the lives of individual people at risk, but our success is down to likeminded people like you.

And a gift in your will can make us even stronger in the years ahead. Pledging a gift in your Will, is a powerful way to protect people’s rights beyond your lifetime.

What will your legacy be?

Your Will can act as a microphone into the future. A chance right now, to have your values heard and your beliefs represented beyond your lifespan.

When you choose to make a gift in your Will to Amnesty Ireland, our promise to you is to ensure that the human rights of generations to come will be protected.

Only when the last prisoner of conscience has been freed, when the last torture chamber has been closed, when the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a reality for the world's people, will our work be done.

Peter BenensonAmnesty International founder

The difference your legacy makes:


€650 could cover the cost of setting up ‘Alert Committees’ to help prevent child marriages by letting authorities know when girls are at risk.


€6,500 could pay for media fellowships in developing countries for four journalists, enabling them to report and raise awareness of human rights violations.


€40,000 could enable us to conduct two human rights investigations in crisis countries, like Syria, with security equipment, satellite imagery and forensic support.

The power of a gift to Amnesty International

Globally €1 of every €8 received by Amnesty International is from a gift in a Will. Legacy gifts mean that Amnesty International can continue to stand up for equality, justice and freedom long into the future.

I can’t think of any better way to show my solidarity to the future of an organisation like Amnesty, which brings so much justice to the world, than by leaving them a legacy in my will.

Kathleen Forde Amnesty International member for more than 30 years

Making a Will and pledging a gift to Amnesty International Ireland is simple and impactful

  1. Think about your assets – list the value of everything you own and whether you share ownership of anything. We strongly advise that you contact a solicitor to make your Will or use our free Will writing service to make or update your Will.
  2. Appoint an Executor/s – Carefully choose someone who can be trusted and has the ability to carry out your wishes.
  3. Support the people and causes you care about – After any other beneficiaries are taken care of, you may wish to support Amnesty International Ireland by leaving a gift in your Will and help protect human rights for years to come.
  4. Make sure your Will is valid – Sign your Will in the presence of two independent witnesses who are not beneficiaries of your estate and choose a safe place to store your Will.

There are three main types of gift you can leave in your Will:

Residuary gift –or ‘share of your estate’, is the percentage of your estate that you choose to leave to a beneficiary. It will not devalue over time.

Pecuniary gift – a fixed sum of money.

Specific gift – a specified item rather than money, such as a car, a piece of jewellery or property.


All gifts to a registered charity in your Will are exempt from tax and can help reduce the tax payable on your estate.

Writing your Will need not be difficult or expensive. Amnesty International Ireland offers a Free Will Service for our supporters and their partners. You can create a simple Will, free of charge, using an online Will writing service. We are a charity partner of FreeWill Ireland.

The FreeWill offering will be suitable for many people, but for those with more complex needs it is generally recommended to use the services of a solicitor.

***There’s no obligation to do so, but we would be extremely grateful if you do want to support us with a gift in your Will. You will be helping to us to plan and build or long-term strategy to protect human rights for future generations

Amnesty International (Ireland) Foundation
CHY number: 5890
Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20009649

Correspondence Address:
Seán MacBride House,
48 Fleet Street,
Dublin 2,

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

All gifts to a registered charity in your Will are exempt from tax and can help reduce the tax payable on your estate.

Contact us! 

We would love to speak to you about leaving a Gift to Amnesty Ireland in your Will. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Contact: Rosie O’Keeffe Doyle – [email protected]

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